Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. is a network provider and an IoT solutions integrator for the utilities, public, private, and industrial sectors.
We design, implement, maintain, and support all kinds of IoT connectivity solutions. Our solutions aspire to ensure networks meeting performance and cost requirements for LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, LTE-M, 5G mMTC, Wireless M-Bus, Wi-Fi, PLC, and more wireless IoT networks.
Using our Smart IoT platform (developed by UW SoftCode Ltd) facilitates the transformation of sensor data into business insights for consumers of IoT services.

Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. is committed to providing highly innovative and reliable solutions to nurture strategic partnerships with systems integrators (SIs) and companies globally to improve system performance and efficiency and lower operational costs and risks.
At Ithaca Destination Smart S.A., we believe in a world with easy and precise data exchange and less tedious repetitive manual tasks.

Ithaca’s technologies give our customers a competitive edge by providing the flexibility and functionality to address the rapid changes, challenges, opportunities, and threats.
Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. focuses on enabling digital transformation by deploying modern, reliable, and robust LPWAN networks and applications to serve the IoT industry.

Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. is expecting to install, connect to its Network Server and operate more than 50.000 several types of LoRa nodes and more than 300 LoRaWAN gateways in several areas in Greece until the end of the year 2022.

Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. holds a license by Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) to provide telecommunication services and networks in Greece.

Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. is member of LoRa Alliance organisation which mission is to develop and promote LoRaWAN® technology and its ecosystem to deliver massive IoT solution globally.

Ithaca Destination Smart S.A. is following the ISO9001:2015 guidelines strictly and performing QC/QA (Quality Control/Quality Assurance) measures and procedures. We offer a full spectrum of communications, consultancy, engineering, innovative high-end equipment, and turn-key projects for Water, Wastes, Energy Buildings, and Environment, as well as integrated IoT and IT solutions for all the above sectors.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems
Fully compliance with GDPR requirements (Controlled procedure by data protection officer – DPO)

Smart Water Management
Smart Street Lighting
Smart Waste collection and Recycling
Smart Building
Smart Parking
Smart Environment monitoring
Smart Custom applications
Many other to come (R&D phase)